Tuesday, September 7, 2010


  Nearly 4 weeks ago I started this blog. Since then I have only made 3 blogs. My friends and family are always telling me, "I check everyday and yet nothing new! Whats up Alexys!?" To all those who have waited I would like to say... BE PATIENT! I'm just playing. For real though I am sorry. I continue to tell myself to make the time to blog, but it just never happens. Between school, homework, family time, and me time its hard to get it done. In the back of my planner I've made a list of things I need to blog about. I promise ill get them done soon. I only ask for patience.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! You made fun of me for having a "list of blog topics" and you yourself have one. um, have you read my BECOMING YOUR MOTHER post. lol love ya!
